Deuxième Congrès des Ecrivains et Artistes noirs (numero double)

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Page 3 à 5 : - The Policy of our Culture
Page 7 à 12 : - Appeal
Page 13 : - Proposed plan
Page 14 à 23 : - Preparatory work of the Commissions
Page 25 à 27 : Mario Dorato - Reception at the “Istituto Italiano per l'Africa" (25th March)
Page 28 : Dr. Jean Price-Mars - Address to President Giovanni Gronchi
Page 29 à 32 : Senator G. Mazza - Addresses at the inaugural session at the Capitol (26th March)
Page 34 : Giorgio La Pira - Message read
Page 35 à 37 : Prince Alliata di Montereale - Address
Page 38 à 39 : Ignazio Silone - Suffering transformed into a value
Page 40 à 41 : Dr. Jean Price-Mars - Reply of the President of S.A.C.
Page 42 à 44 : M.P. Lebar - Address by M.P. Lebar UNESCO representative at the Congress
Page 45 à 54 : Alioune Diop - The meaning or this Congress (Opening Speech)
Page 55 à 65 : Dr. Jean Price-Mars - Paleontology, prehistory and archaeology from the point of view of the origins of the human race and the role played by Africa in the genesis of humanity
Page 66 à 72 : Cheikh Anta Diop - African cultural unity (I)
Page 73 à 88 : Jacques Rabemananjara - The foundations of our unity arising from the colonial epoch
Page 89 à 97 : Dr. Frantz Fanon - The reciprocal basis of national cultures and the struggles for liberation
Page 98 à 111 : Eric Williams - The political leader considered as a man of culture
Page 112 à 124 : Sékou Touré - The political leader considered as the representative of a culture
Page 125 à 132 : Aimé Césaire - The man of culture and his responsibilities
Page 133 à 141 : James W. Ivy - The semantics of being negro in the Americas
Page 142 à 152 : Robert Sastre - Theology and African culture
Page 153 à 164 : Amadou Hampaté Ba - On Animism
Page 165 à 176 : William T. Fontaine - Toward a philosophy of the American negro literature
Page 177 à 195 : Robert L. Carter - The United States Supreme Court and the issue of racial discrimination since 1940 (I)
Page 196 à 202 : Dr. Marcus James - Religion in Africa
Page 203 à 220 : E. Andriantsilaniarivo - Colonialism
Page 221 à 227 : M.E. Mphahlele - Negro culture in a multi-racial society in Africa
Page 228 à 243 : Saint-Clair Drake - The responsibility of men of culture for destroying the “Hamitic myth”
Page 244 à 261 : Rev. John S. Mbiti - Reclaiming the vernacular literature of the Akamba tribe
Page 262 à 294 : Léopold Sédar Senghor - Constructive elements of a civilization of African Negro inspiration
Page 297 à 310 : Herta Haselberger-Blaha, Malek Bennabi - Divers communications
Page 311 à 320 : Pierre Verger - African culture as an element of internal stability among the descendants of displaced Africans in the New World
Page 321 à 327 : William Bascom - The fall of old Oyo or Katanga
Page 328 à 333 : Martin Casanova - The Negro in Latin America
Page 334 à 342 : Dr. Ferdinand Herrmann - The anthropological and cultural relationships of Negro Africa
Page 343 à 348 : Robert G. Armstrong - The development of cultural unity in Africa, South of the Sahara
Page 349 à 353 : Henrique L. Alves - Negro poets of Brazil
Page 354 à 359 : Pierre Lods - The painters of Poto-Poto
Page 361 à 418 : - Messages
Page 419 à 421 : - General Resolution
Page 423 à 459 : - Resolutions: Literature-Political sciences – Linguistics-History-Philosophy-Sociology-Theology-Technics and Medicine-Arts
Page 461 à 463 : - Motions
Page 465 à 467 : Dr. J. Price-Mars - Address to His Holiness
Page 469 à 470 : - His Holiness replies
Page 471 à 475 : - The Society of African Culture.

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